What To Expect When You Are Having A Cataract Removed


As we get older, one part of our bodies that we cannot control how well they work is our eyes, and there are many common problems people experience with their vision. A cataract is one such problem that can occur, and this is where the lens of the eye becomes thicker and starts to cloud over, impairing eyesight and making it difficult to see details. It is common to have phacoemulsification with IOL (intraocular lens) problems, and it can help restore and even improve your overall eyesight. If you will be undergoing cataract surgery soon, below is everything you can expect when having this procedure done.

Assessing Your Eyes

The first thing that will happen is you will have a consultation to check the condition of the eyes and ensure there will be no complications when you have the procedure. The eye surgeon will do various checks, and once they are satisfied, they will confirm the treatment you will have. You will most likely not have the procedure there and then and will instead receive an appointment for you to come back to receive the surgery.

Going Under The Knife

Many people are nervous about medical procedures, and if you have a nervous disposition, your surgeon may offer you a general anaesthetic. However, in most cases, you can have the surgery with a local, which will speed up the recovery time and allow you to get home sooner.

Once the anaesthetic has been applied, the surgeon will start by making a small incision in the eye to access the lens. They will then insert an ultrasonic probe to break the lens into small pieces to make it easier to remove it from the eye.

Once the lens is clear, an artificial lens is then inserted into the eye to repair the damage and improve your overall vision. The procedure can last from anywhere between 15 minutes to one hour, so you can quickly be on your way home.

Going Home After The Operation

After the procedure, and once the surgeon is happy, they will discharge you and send you home. You will usually be given eye drops to use to help keep the eye clean and let it heal quickly, and you will usually have to wear a patch for anywhere between two to five days. Within a couple of days, you can start using the eye as usual, and it may surprise you how clear and defined everything is. You can get more detailed information on the procedure and recovery from this surgery by clicking here.

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